blockchain -- encryption and decryption

数字签名算法(digital signature algorithm)

ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm) secp256k1(the parameters of ecdsa used in bitcoin)

  1. private key: 32 bytes(256 bit)
  2. compressed or uncompressed public key: 33 bytes / 65 bytes
  3. signature or compact_signature: 72 bytes/ 65 bytes

derive key algorithm

  1. scrypt
  2. pbkdf2

proof of stake

  1. the node(producing block) selection: two most commonly used methods: 'Randomised Block Selection' and 'Coin Age Selection'


also see post in bitcoin


both based on no generally efficient solution to solve a discrete logarithm problem - DSA: discrete logarithm problem with modular exponentiation - ecdsa: discrete logarithm problem wiht elliptic curves


  1. using different family of elliptic curve
  2. EdDSA While offering slight advantages in speed over ECDSA, its popularity comes from an improvement in security. Instead of relying on a random number for the nonce value, EdDSA generates a nonce deterministically as a hash making it collision resistant