for loop
don't need ()
, but always need{}
- classic c like
1 | for initvaule = value; condition < condition-value; endcondition{ |
- while like
1 | for condition { |
- ranged for
1 | for index, value := range os.Args[1:]{ |
if/else loop
- can have init part(init part can visiable in if or else )
1 | if init := value; condition-expression{ |
- nomal syntax
1 | switch expression { |
- no expression, just like
switch true
1 | switch { |
stacking defers
Deferred function calls are pushed onto a stack. When a function returns, its deferred calls are executed in last-in-first-out order.
1 | package main |
interface value & type assert
- an interface variable holds a tuple of a value and a type
(value, type)
- x.(T) :x is a interface and T is a tpye in interface
data types
basic types numbers, strings, booleans
aggregate tpyes arrays, structs
reference types pointers, slices, maps, functions, channels
printf format
%b, %d, %o, %x(%X) 十进制, 八进制, 十六进制(x大小写表明字母的大小写)
%c, %q 字符,带引号的字符
%g, %f, %e 浮点数,%e是exponent表示
%T 值的类型
%t boolean value: true or false
go goroutine 和 thread的区别
- thread 的栈一般为2mb (固定的大小); goroutine 的栈一般为2kb, 可以动态改变
- thread 是系统的schedule统一调度、分配,切换thread需要full context switch; goroutine拥有自己的schedule, it only concerns the goroutine of one go program(go's schedule use a parameter
to determine how many OS threads be executing go code simulately; its default value is the cpus of the machine) - goroutine has no identity (like thread-id of threads, which thread-local storage based on it)